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3akarat Lebanon real estate news buy and


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3akarat Lebanon real estate news buy and sell apartment land(圖1)-速報App

More than 7000 Lebanese properties are available online

3akarat.net, a property and real estate company.

It was the first Internet-based property and real estate company in Lebanon and in the Middle East, providing real estate inter mediation services, among which selling, buying, renting and marketing properties, according to statistics.

3akarat.net has presently three branches on the Lebanese territory:

Down-Town Beirut

Adonis Jounieh

Tripoli - The Chamber of Trade and Industry

3akarat.net provides all real estate intermediation services, among which, selling, buying, renting, sharing, and marketing the following:

-Residential apartments

-Palaces and villas


-Commercial offices

-Shops and warehouses



-Hotels and restaurants

Real estate Lebanon news .

支援平台:iPhone, iPad